Written on the 31 May 2023



The important things you need to know to make a safe and sound decision

1 A safe, secure and modern upgrade
Move from a capex model to an opex model

  • No longer required to forecast years in advance by purchasing hardware
  • Can now move this to an opex model and pay for IT resources as required
  • Not required to renew failing hardware

2 Security
Your documents and file tucked away safely

  • Now backed by the most up to date security principles
  • Microsoft invest $1 billions per year into securing their cloud environment
  • AWS invest $1.6 million per year into securing their cloud environment
  • Can leverage security models such as identity as a perimeter and/or network as a perimeter
  • Simple to adhere to security standards such as ISO compliance

3 Scalable
Growth when you want it

  • Allows a business of any size to leverage the best IT services available
  • Can create new infrastructure all around the world with the click of a button
  • Can scale up/down your business as required without upfront financial commitment

4 Simple
Easy maintenance

  • No longer required to maintain hardware
  • No longer required to maintain networking throughput for servers
  • Simple UI to manage your entire IT portfolio

5 Disaster recovery becomes simple
You files are always backed up

  • Immutable backups to ensure backups will always be available to restore from
  • Ability to failover services to another geographical region to adhere to RPO/RTOs
  • Substantial retention times for all backups for compliance
  • Security systems in place to ensure backups cant be accidentally deleted
  • Test backups in an isolated environment with ease

6 Cost control
Cash flow positive

  • Ability to forecast spend
  • Plan for cost increases as your business grows
  • Decrease your business costs in less demanding periods

7 Accessible
Anywhere, anytime

  • No longer required to be at your physical location to access your IT portfolio
  • Leverage Amazon or Microsoft’s identity as a service to access your environment anywhere in the world
  • Grant granular permissions to your team based on their job role
  • Granular lockdown by device type, compliance or user risk within the company

8 Limitless potential
The ability to always grow and update without worry

  • Leverage cloud native services to build modern, robust and secure applications that integrate within the platform for both ease of maintenance and unlimited scalability
  • Build applications across multiple cloud environments to ensure high availability
  • Not limited by the physical hardware you have available
  • No longer limited by supply chain issues

9 Data modernisation
Modern systems producing good cost factors

  • Leverage modern services that store both structured and unstructured data
  • Integrate system both new and old by shifting the data architecture
  • Archive old corporate data for compliance reasons at a fraction of the price

10 Cloud solutions
Let someone else worry about upgrading technology

  • Keeping up with cloud technologies can be difficult, leveraging expertise in these fields can assist your team
  • Technologies are the same within the same public cloud offering, skills are transferrable between businesses

If you are looking to move your business to the cloud, reach out to us today for a FREE AUDIT!